LogView is an application which provides display and analysis of Web server statistics contained in a log formatted in the common log format. It provides detailed summary information about pages viewed, visitors, errors, and other data.
This application provides information about Web site visits in several panes. First, raw data from a Web log file is displayed in tabular form in the "Raw Data" pane. Users may also view summary information for the site in a drawer, displayed at the bottom of the screen, including the number of separate pages which have been visited, the number of unique IP addresses (visitors) viewing the site, and the total number of bytes transferred.
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In the second pane, a list of pages which have been visited, and the number of visits recorded, are displayed. The list may be sorted by page name, number of visits, or bytes transferred. Users may also open the page in their preferred Web browser question by clicking the "Go" tool when a page record is selected. A record containing a particular string may also be located with the "Search in Table" toolbar item.
The user may also select a page and click the "Details" tool to see detailed information about which users have visited the page in question and how often they have visited it.
The third pane provides a list of users, based on the unique IP address of visitors, as well as information about the total number of visits of each and the amount of information transferred. As with the "Pages Visited" pane, any user record may be selected and the "Details" tool clicked to provide a list of pages that the user in question has visited.
Visitor's addresses are reported in numeric IP form. To obtain the host name (several of which are displayed in the list above), the user may select a line and click the "Name" button in the toolbar. The numeric address is replaced with the hostname, or in reverse if the host name is already displayed.
The fourth pane provides a list of dates covered in the log file and the number of visits to the site on each day. A graph of this data is also provided.
The fifth pane provides a list of connections which resulted in error codes, along with a pie chart indicating the relative percentage of each error type. Holding the cursor over a error code in the list provides a definition of the error code itself in a Tool Tip.
In addition to the Tool Tip, the user can obtain a more complete explanation of return codes by clicking the "Errors" item in the tool bar. This opens a window which provides textual information about return codes, along with a pull down menu button in the window providing navigational assistance to particular code numbers.
The final pane provides information about the operating system and browsers reported by visitors, displayed as a bar graph with informational labels.